Something That We Do

Love is something that we do!


Reverb Begins

Well, I have a confession.

I feel like I've run out of things to write about.  Sure there's the news, politics, music, family, our kiddo, school, our move, friends, church, our pup, Christmas, and on and on it goes.  But, I just feel like I'm lacking.  And seeing as how blogging is an outlet for me, that's not so good.  Blogging relaxes me and provides me with a little escape.  Luckily, my friend Tiffany has jumped on the bandwagon of Reverb'10, so she has introduced me to it.  Scoot over and slow down, I'm hopping on that bandwagon too!  

Reverb'10 is an annual initiative where a specific topic is assigned for each day of the month.  I'm a little behind seeing as how it's December 2nd as I write this, but I shall catch up.  We'll just pretend that today is December 1st.  That won't throw you off, right?  And so we begin.... prompt number one.

"Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?"

Wow.  That's really got me thinking.  This year has been crazy, stressful, fun, encouraging, and at times, saddening.  But, what's just one word to encapsulate the entire year?  One word.  One...word.  I asked Carl what his one word is, and here's his answer: over.  Gosh I love my husband.  I might also add that when I asked him, he leaned his head back and stared at the ceiling for a good 45 seconds before coming up with that word.  What can I say though; he's right.  I asked for a more serious answer, and he simply said, "Change."  (Insert any Obama joke here.)

I have to say, he's spot on with "change" but I'd prefer to use a word that has a bit more sustenance.  For me, this year has been illuminating.  I've personally learned so much this year.  I've learned about giving more and taking less.  I've learned more about graciousness.  I've learned more about being a mom.  I've learned more about being a good wife.  I've learned more about being a daughter.  There has been so much that has changed in this year.  And it's all been for the better.  And, thanks to amazing audiologists, I've learned about tympanometry and it makes sense.  (I just had to throw that in there.)

As for 2011, there is one word that I hope... no, I pray, that will encapsulate my year.  I want 2011 to be full of edification.  I want to lift up everyone in my life and help them (not in a save the world kind of way, 'cuz that's every 9 year olds dream..right?).  I don't have all the answers, and I won't pretend that I do, but it sure would be neat if we can edify one another and cultivate in each other the man or woman that God created each of us to be.   

As my reader, you can help edify me, and I hope that I can edify you.  I know you're already illuminated a lot for me, and I thank you for that.  From the bottom of my heart, each and every one of you are very special to me.  Even those of you whom I've never met.  And a special shout out to Emily... word's going around that the Stork visited you.  Congratulations to you and your husband!  And I want to personally thank you for having the guts to believe in me before anyone else did in bloggy land!

Stay tuned for prompt number 2.... just one day late, hopefully.


I'm sorry I didn't start reading your blog earlier. A lot of the posts are very funny. Even though its because of a less than great experience, but again, you are a great writer. I don't skim through like I do with other blogs (esp if I am more interested in the pics). Do you feel like your 2011 was full of edification? What about 2012 and your hope for 2013?

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