Something That We Do

Love is something that we do!


Cat's outta the bag!

We were previously the people that never missed a church service, never missed a lunch with friends, and never missed any dinners with friends either.  All of the sudden, we became sporadic attendees.  My nausea wouldn't let me attend many activities. 

Thus, our friends were starting to think I was either avoiding them, or dying.  So, Carl and I felt that we had to tell them what was going on.  We had avoided telling them because we didn't want any chance of the news making it to Facebook before we were able to tell our families.  Before telling our friends, we decided to go ahead and tell Austin.  We impressed upon him how huge of a secret this was and I may or may not have alluded to never trusting him again if he let the news leak.  Thankfully, he came through for us and kept his lips sealed.  

Let's rewind...About a week ago, Austin had told Carl he would like a sibling… what timing!  The night we decided to tell him, Carl said "We are getting you something you have asked for, but it'll take about 7 months before you can see it."  Austin started naming all these toys and video games that he wanted but Carl just kept shaking his head.  Carl said "Think about it, why would it take 7 months before you could see it?"  

Austin unknowingly (yet, appropriately) answered "Because it hasn't come out yet?"  Carl and I busted out laughing and told him that was indeed correct.  Finally, Carl ended the guessing game and told him he would have a little brother or sister in July.  Austin was ecstatic!  We all hopped in the car and headed off to our friends' house where we should share the news with them as well.

The three of us walked in and I leaned against a door frame, feeling weak and nauseous.  Carl nonchalantly walked in and announced "Lindsey was admitted to the emergency room on Thursday, and it turns out she has a condition that doesn't allow her to keep food down."  He paused.  "It's called pregnancy."  Ruia screamed and hopped out of her chair in excitement, and she came and gave me a big hug.  Marramonie and Michelle both came over and congratulated me and said Carl's words had them thinking something was seriously wrong, but they were all so excited to hear about a new baby coming!  It was so much fun telling them, and finally our secret was out of the bag.  We told them that we couldn't tell anyone yet because we didn't want the news making it back to Florida before we did, and so to please keep it hush hush.  Everyone did a great job keeping it under wraps for us.  Over the next couple of weeks, Ruia rethought many conversations we had from the previous weeks and she was able to piece everything together.  All of my elusiveness made sense finally. Just that day, we were texting about how we were both feeling (she was battling allergies) and I mentioned "Yeah, this season is really rough."  She interpreted it as the winter season, but I meant this season of life (in my case, the nausea from the pregnancy).  It was so exciting and such a relief to finally let our friends in our secret surprise.  Just a couple more weeks and we can tell our families!

Here's a picture of Ruia and I at lunch a couple of days ago.  She's due with a baby girl in just a few weeks, and I am just shy of four months pregnant.  We went to a dinner a couple of nights ago and she laughed at the site of us... she said "You're about to puke, and I'm about to pop!"  So we had to get a picture of this exciting time in our lives.  It's amazing to think our babes will be five months apart!

photo 6


Carl is so witty. I like how he phrases things. And I am glad Austin actually mentioned that he wanted a sibling- that was pretty cool! That is a really nice picture of you & Ruia. You look super pretty. And I am glad that you have been feeling better enough to update your blog. Hooray!

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