Something That We Do

Love is something that we do!


Winding roads

Dear UF-Advisor-In-My-College-That-I-Was-Assigned-To,

I will allow you to remain nameless in this post.

I only complained to my husband when you wouldn't return my phone calls.

I only CC'd your boss when you wouldn't respond to my emails.

I only consulted with your department chair when I waited by your office for 3 hours with 23 other girls, none of whom were able to be seen by you.

I only got kicked out by the only other advisor because I was not "his responsibility."

But now, I don't know who to go to. I feel like you've sent me in circles. And then some. My one question for you is this:

How did you miscalculate the completion of my undergraduate degree by EIGHTEEN hours?!?!?!??? I've consulted you several times over the last few months, and I don't understand where "we" went wrong. I'm a little burnt out after being told "one more semester" a couple of times now. I'm not mad that my major changed colleges; I understand it is a big change for everyone. But, how did so many students get "lost in the shuffle?" More importantly, why are we not aloud to register for our own classes? Why have you all taken away that right?

I just want to graduate and get on with life. Whether it be graduate school, or working... I just want to get out from under you. Now, should I take 18 hours in the fall? Will it be the death of me? Will my friends all think I've moved out of my home to live under a rock? Perhaps. Or, should I ease up some stress and stretch the 18 hours out to last two semesters? That is the question.

Requesting prayers and making a decision soon,


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