Something That We Do

Love is something that we do!


Seven, seven, seven.

While I was sound asleep in my warm bed this morning, Tiffany was up and at 'em!  This girl seems to always wake up early to blog... kudos to you, Tiffany!  Well, she tagged me in a post that has been going around, so now I get to tell you seven things about myself that you did not know!  Thanks Tiffany, from Makes Me Blush!

1.  This may not count because a few people out there do know about it, but I'm including this anyway.  My lifelong friend, Mia, and I had to get Rabies shots!  When we were at church as wee little ones, we found a frog and played with it.  It sucked on our fingers, crawled around on us, and laid in our hands for a while before an adult saw us and told us this frog was actually a baby bat.  The baby bat was apparently sick, so it was kicked out of its nest.  Mia and I hid the bat in the bushes and scurried off to our moms to fess up.  Mommas called the health department, who searched for the bat.  Much to their disappointment, they couldn't find it. So, the parents thought "Better safe than sorry" and had rabies shots ordered for us, per the health department.  Note: that medicine in the needle burns.  And stings.  Especially on the bum.

2.  I hate my major.  I started my program at the University of Florida because Sign Language was heavily involved, and then due to budget cuts my program was rearranged and Signing was no longer part of the curriculum.  When people talk to me about what a great field I'm in, I always smile and agree, hoping they're going to say something I haven't heard before.  But....truth is, I'm not just seeking a job that requires my learned skills.

3.  You know how they say babies release endorphins for women when the hold them?  I'm totally one of those women.  But not only with babies...with dogs too.  I swear my Belle is therapy for me.  Such a loving little girl.  I can be having a horrible day and lay down next to her and she rolls over and always welcomes me by opening up her arms and kissing my nose.  Almost like a hug....from a really small person.  I'd like to eventually take her to a nursing home or hospital to give some lovin' to some older folks, too.

4.  I would one day like to own a bakery/ cafe.  Something like Starbucks, but cuter.  And everything will be homemade and cute in it.  One day.

5.  I all of the sudden feel extremely boring because I can't think of two more "interesting" things to say about myself.  How bout them apples.  I'll keep thinking.

6.  Chocolate-peanut butter frozen yogurt at TCBY is my favorite.  Yum-a-licious.  Only Frozen Yogurt I've ever had that I CRAVE.  In my opinion, TCBY> Mochi.  Just sayin'.

7.  I have seven weeks till I graduate.  YAY!!!!!!!

The end! :)


That is a really good idea about taking Belle to a nursing home! I might see about doing that with our dogs, too! As you know, they are quite the little lovebugs.

Oh, and I too have dreams of owning a bakery. That would pretty much be the BEST job ever!

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