Something That We Do

Love is something that we do!


San Francisco

Last weekend, Carl, Austin and I took a day trip to San Francisco.  It was my first time in the city, although Carl had been there several times and Austin there once.  We had a great time exploring the city, riding the cable cars, cruising around Alcatraz and the Golden Gate Bridge, and seeing all the street performers.

Everywhere we went, there was someone doing something on the street for money.  Guy playing a guitar? Check.  Guy singing?  Check.  Clown blowing balloons?  Check.
Guy painting with spray paint?  Check.  Guy getting others to enter a hot dog eating contest?  Check.  Guy dressed as a bush that jumps out at people to scare them?  Check.

We started our day off at the MacWorld convention.  It was kind of neat seeing the vendors show off their products.  Some were better than others, of course.  And some wouldn't even bother talking to me once they realized I didn't have an iPad.  All in all though, it was fun.  We took a lunch break and went to a small restaurant called Mel's Diner.  Austin may or may not have tried Carl's mimosa.  
 We enjoyed our food and then headed back to the convention to meet up with Katie, a friend from Gainesville.  Note: while editing this post, I realized now you're thinking the picture you're about to see is of Katie.  It's not.  I didn't think to get a picture with her, so it's just me and Carl.  Hope I didn't let you down.
When the convention part of our day was over, 
we headed to the Pier for a cruise around Alcatraz and the Golden Gate Bridge.
Austin was at the back of the boat filming a seagull that was following our boat. 
He looked like he was attached to the boat like a kite. 
See the korean girl behind us? We befriended her on the cruise.
"My name is Kenshzi, but that is too hard for Americans to say. 
So, you can call me Stella."

Here's my hubby in front of the prison.
The Golden Gate Bridge is behind us in this shot.
It was really pretty, even though it was foggy. But, I like the fog, remember?
Oh, and I learned not to tell the locals that I like the fog. 
Else they will scoff at me. And possibly end our conversation with an eye roll.
Hey, I'm from Florida. I have sunshine all the time. 
It's nice to see a change, okay?
Stella took these pictures for us.
And so, that was our trip. Until next time, San Francisco. Until next time.
PS- I also just wanted to mention that I had the rice-a-roni song stuck in my head You know, cuz rice-a-roni's a San Francisco treat.


Looks like an awesome time!

Weird about the twitter thing! There is in icon on the side of my blog to click on to follow me on twitter! That may be easier!
You crack me up Lindsey. You are so funny. Thank you for sharing all your adventures with us! I love keeping up with y'all, and wish I was that cool. Miss you! Kristen
WHERE'S KATIE?! This blog is a sham. Just kidding friend.. The part you described at the beginning sounds like Hollywood Blvd, except times it by 30. And I heard the people get super mad if you take their picture and then don't give them money. Did you have to find out the hard way that the bush was not just a bush? Did you see any prisoners escaping from Azkaban? :p (HP joke) It was nice of Stella to take those good pics of you in front of the bridge. I don't think I would have minded sunshine tho. It looks cold with all your scarves!

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