Something That We Do

Love is something that we do!


Luke's Tenth Month!

My little sunshine is ten months old today! (And, it's Mother's Day!)
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Luke woke up at 4:30 this morning.  He's NEVER done that.  So, we made our way downstairs and packed up some boxes (after I had a cuppa joe, of course.)  My theory is that Luke wanted to wake up and spend extra hours on Mother's Day with me. We had breakfast together, cuddled together, and then I started doing a few things around the house. And Luke couldn't hold his eyes open.
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I walked in and saw this.
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So I seized the moment and snapped a few shots before curling up on the floor and resting my eyes as well.
Once the rest of the family woke up, Luke gave me a beautiful Mother's Day gift. Back story: Friday night at dinner, Carl asked Luke for kisses and Luke didn't oblige. So, I playfully explained "Kisses are for momma!" That made it's way onto a placard with some sweet photos and a sack of hershey kisses attached. Be still my heart. (And now my eyes are leaking again...)
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This month sure was a busy one! In fact, while I am post-dating this post, you may have noticed that I am actually two months behind on publishing this.  Shame on me!  This month, we boxed up all of our belongings and prepared to move to Florida. 
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My dad came to Turlock to help me pack up and bring me back home with our dogs. (These two are a couple of jokesters, let me tell ya...)
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Although it was a busy one, I still treasured every moment.

Oh how I adore those little hands that tug on my dress. If I could freeze a moment...
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In this post (, I mentioned our friends were throwing us a BBQ as a goodbye dinner.  Such sweet friends we have. They had all of our favorites. Yummy!
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On Luke's and my last Tuesday at our breastfeeding group, we took a picture with Wendy. Wendy is a wealth of information and one of the most encouraging women you could ever hope to meet. 
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(Luke passed out shortly before the photo.)

On our last Wednesday in Turlock, we went out for ice cream with a bunch of our friends. Before everyone had little babies, we would go the local ice cream shop and hang out for a couple of hours every Wednesday after church.  This was a nice memory of our previous custom.
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Luke's first:
Cinco de Mayo:
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Trip to the Golden Gate Bridge:
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We celebrated Luke's first Easter! (Photos courtesy of Little Mrs. W Photography)
Momma's blue eyed boy...
Look at their faces in this one....both with the full cheeks!

This one cracks me up!

Melt my heart.

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In Luke's Easter basket, he got a lamb, a rubber football, a bib, a rubber baseball, a bunny (that was from my grandmother's collection... it is baby sized), and some candy.  Daddy ate the candy though. ;) Oh, and the lamb is a wind-up one that plays "Jesus Loves Me."
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Oh, and on the side, he got kisses from Sugar. 

Here's Luke and Brooke on Easter Sunday at church. They're exactly a month apart (she's a month younger).
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And here's our whole coordinating family on Easter. Yes, I made them wear light colors.
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Luke's tenth month flew by.
Please, time, slow down.  I beg you.  I want my little baby to stay my little baby forever and ever.

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