Something That We Do

Love is something that we do!


Exploring Yosemite

First off, let me just say... don't worry, this is the last Yosemite post.  I know you folks are like "Sheesh how many pictures did the girl take?!"  More than enough.  More than enough.
So we arrived at Yosemite and we all flew out of the car.  Being in a tiny car on windy roads= no fun.  Especially if you're like me and having to take pills for car sickness!  But thankfully, they do work.  When we first arrived in Yosemite, we discovered blackberry bushes.  What fun!  We all picked a few and scarfed them down.  Yum!
At the entrance to the park, we were in awe of the large mountains and flowing streams.  They were just beautiful.  And the lush green bushes.
"Hello, nature.  Nice to have you around."
(No, he did not really say that.)
Here is Austin and his grandma.  We are all still at the base of Yosemite in this shot.  And, it's starting to drizzle.  I was super excited to see rain, but today was not really the day I was hoping for it to come. 
Right after this picture was taken, Tom decided to chuck a pinecone toward Austin.  This picture below cracks me up because it looks like Austin is using the force to hold the pinecone in mid-air. (Thanks for not letting me down, iPhone.  You took some good pics for us.)

Our second stop of the day was Bridalveil Falls.  Gorgeous.
We actually got out of the car and walked right up to the base of the falls. Carl and Austin actually hiked a little ways up the falls, as seen in the following pictures.

After Bridalveil falls, we headed over to Curry Village and ate lunch.
It was there that we saw this fellow.
He was eating lunch too.  Of the tree variety.
Curry Village had lots of fat little squirrels running around, practically screaming about how hungry they were.  (However, judging by their weight, I'd say they were lying about being hungry.)  If you weren't careful, they'd take the food out of your hand while eating.  They even would sneak into the restaurant to try to grab some grub.
After Curry Village, we started making our drive toward Glacier Point.
It was then that I remembered that the temperature drastically changes when you go up several thousand feet.
At this lookout, I refused to get out of the car.  So of course, Carl took a picture. 
I have no idea why I made that face.  'Scuze me.
Carl went and snapped a few shots without me.
This might've been the tree Austin claimed.  Not sure.  Eh hem.  Moving on.
Then, my dear mother in law Ann had Carl bring me her jacket so I could enjoy the scenery as well.  THANK YOU!
I had bundled up in it because I was wearing a pink shirt underneath and didn't want to look like I was colorblind. 
Not that there's anything wrong with being colorblind.
Just for pictures.
And after seeing the following picture, I begged my hair stylist to not make me look like my hair was orange.  Now it's kind of white.  But whatever, it's just hair.
It was 65 degrees up here and Ann was taking one for the team here.  Or for me, I guess.  And Austin?  He doesn't feel the cold.  I have to beg him to put a jacket on in the winter because he makes me cold just looking at him. PS- is that not the cutest baby you have ever seen?!  Smiling for the picture and all.  Quit making my ovaries cry, kid.
AAAAAAH Proof of the orange hair... and that is halfdome in the back if you can look past the carrot that is my head.  Note- natural red heads, y'all look lovely.  Me?  I look like a cheetah. And not in a good way.  I wanted blond for Pete's sake!  Not red.  And especially not red and yellow stripes.  I digress.
Oh, and this is at Glacier Point, in case you wanted to know.
Or maybe more like a zebra?  I don't know.  It was pretty striped.  And not in a pretty way.  It was a "Oh I think I need you to come back next week" (says my {note: old} hair stylist) way.
The lighting isn't so great in this shot.  I just might play around with it in photoshop to try to make it better. This was once again at Glacier Point.
Better?  Not really.  Different? Absolutely.
Here Austin, let me play with your picture too.
And the different version.
Makes the weather look much more picturesque, if nothing else.
Here is Austin pointing at Half Dome.
Wow, a full day traveling and driving through the mountains and here is a blog post pushed out in about 30 minutes.  Oh well, just linger on each picture if you want the full effect.  Thanks for reading!


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